2. Token

HonorLand primary token

  • Token name: HonorLand Token

  • Ticker: $HONOR

  • Decimal: 18

  • Total supply: 200,000,000 (200million)

  • Transaction tax: 0% for buying and 10% for selling

  • Purpose: $HONOR is a governance token based on BEP-20 in HonorLand.

Holders of $HONOR can vote in game governance and receive governance rewards.

Players can obtain $HONOR when participating in HonorLand game or contributing to the HonorLand ecosystem.

HonorLand game revenue token

  • Token name: Honor Gold

  • Ticker: $HGold

  • Purpose: $HGold is the game revenue token in HonorLand. Players can obtain and trade through PVE adventures and daily tasks.

Last updated